Sunday, September 7, 2008


There was a storm in New York yesterday. The news warned people from going outside so many stayed at home, making the streets look really empty.

However, I did not stay at home. I wanted to go out and pay the tuition for next quarter and I was also planning to go to Queens Mall with my fiancée. The weather never got that severe actually. I think that the coast took more damage than the city.

I usually pay the tuition with my debit card but my bank did not, for an unknown reason, want to raise the spending limit for me this time. That was okay though because that gave me an opportunity to write my very first check, which I did.

It very easy to write a check, I just thought it was fun because it was my first time. I have always liked to pay with credit card so I am not used to checks at all. We do not use that in Sweden that much either.

People at Berkeley College do not have to worry if they do not know how to write a check. Everyone will learn that in mathematics for business.

When I was done with my chores, I had to wait for my fiancée to get in to Manhattan. I went to the best place to wait at, Starbucks. The weather was really humid yesterday with humidity levels at 97 so it was nice to be inside to wait. I had a venti iced skinny vanilla latte and a blueberry muffin.

I have never tried the blueberry muffin before but I must say that it was one of the best muffins that I have ever had. It goes great with the coffee and it actually made me full. I will definitely buy that again.

When my fiancée arrived, we took the train to Queens. We had some fried noodles, AKA chow mein, with barbeque chicken. The food court is great there and the picture that I have posted is from there.  

I will have to do some homework today. I think that I will stay inside most of the day but I have to go out and do laundry. I think I will do some cleaning too because my family is coming over to see me soon. 

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