Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I am having a day off from school today so I am at home, relaxing and doing some homework assignments.

I was just remembering that I only have two weeks more until this quarter ends. Every quarter goes extremely fast, which is good, I guess.

I handed in my international marketing midterm yesterday. I wrote about nine pages, which was a lot compared to my classmates. I think that the average person wrote about five pages.

I really do not think it is about the number of pages you write but how good it is. The only reason I wrote a lot was because I liked it. It is a subject that I really find interesting. It was about getting a company on the right track and I came up with tons of things that they could change in order to improve their situation.

It will be fun to get the paper back because I am really curious in what my professor will think about it.

I also got back my second exam in macroeconomics yesterday. I am usually really nervous right before the tests are handed out, but this time I felt really calm. I got a perfect score together with another classmate.

It feels really good to perform that well in a class like that. I believe it is an interesting class but also a very important one. The professor is very professional and smart, and I like having conversation with him about business and the economy.

I will have to do my third and last take-home exam for international marketing this weekend. I think that it is a little easier this time but it might also be a little tricky.

The case is about a company that plans to send someone to Saudi Arabia to negotiate a contract. They have to choose whom to send, and their decision lies between to persons. The paper gives you some information about the two individuals and what the company thinks about them.

I really like the cases that our professor is handing out. I love that it covers real world activities and it is very interesting to solve them. I think it is a lot easier to learn if the study material is reality based.

I will do some of the take-home exam now. I am thinking about going to Starbucks and do it but I am pretty comfortable in my apartment. 

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