Saturday, September 27, 2008

Guggenheim Nightmare

My fiancée has to write an art paper for next week so she had to go to the Guggenheim Museum. I wanted to attend because I thought it could be interesting. I was wrong.

I have never been an art person but I love seeing and doing new things. I really believed that going to Guggenheim Museum would be a fun and interesting experience. When we got there, we discovered that the line was very long.

We thought we had to stand there for hours, but it went really fast after they started to let people in. Fridays are donation days so you pay what ever you wish to pay. We donated one dollar for three people, which would be 33 cents per person. I am happy that I did not donate more than that.

The building is actually very extraordinary because it is shaped like a cylinder and you walk in a circle around the building. My fiancée’s objective was to find information about Louis Bourgeois.

I stopped feeling interested in her art just after ten minutes of contemplating it. I understand the art and I can see why she decided to create the things she created, but it is just not what I am interested in.

However, it is not only her art that I dislike. I do not like the art people who are being extremely sympathetic and interested in Bourgeois life. I was actually, at one moment, looking at a couple of boxes, which I thought was part of her creation. I later found out that it was actually just ordinary moving boxes and was not a part of her collection.

Still, many of the weird art people stopped by to comment on this amazing piece, which like I mentioned, was not a piece of art. It is funny how everything is art for some people. I think I am too realistic to see ordinary things as art.

My IPhone works fantastically and I am very happy with it. My Internet has been down for a couple of days but thanks to my IPhone I have been able to send emails and do other small Internet tasks.

School starts this Tuesday so I am getting a little excited about it. I am looking forward to start studying again, but I feel that it will be a little boring with my math classes. It is only on Mondays and Tuesdays though, and I am sure that my other classes will be very interesting, which will make the quarter fun and motivating. 

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