Monday, September 15, 2008

Ice Coffee at McDonald's

I just realized that McDonald’s offer ice coffee for half the price than what Starbucks do. It tastes a little different and the coffee is not that strong, but the saving of two dollars sometimes makes it worth the loss in flavor.

I have studied for my two finals today and I feel ready for it now. I have not actually read all the chapters for my advertising class, but I have studied the study material and the things I need to know for the test.

The macroeconomics test will be fairly easy to me. I feel that I know everything that we have learned and the reason is that I really find macroeconomics interesting. I believe that the key to success is to get interested in whatever people want to be successful in.

My sister will come to New York today so I am very excited about her arrival. She will probably show up any minute now, but I have not yet heard from her.

I had to clean my room so that I do not make a bad impression on her so everything looks great now. Another reason I had to clean was because she will spend two nights here so I had to make up some space.

I was trying to get the IPhone today but I will have to wait another two days. I told the store that I had talked to the president’s office and they had left a note in the computer system. The store, however, has to send a letter to the general manager for permission to allow me to get the rebate.

I really hope that everything will get solved. If they won’t grant me the permission to get the IPhone for the discounted price, I will give the president’s office another call until they help me to solve this issue.

Hopefully I won’t have to do that though, and I will be able to spread good promotion for AT&T again.

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