Saturday, March 14, 2009


Yesterday, I got back my videotapes, which I transferred to DVDs at Walgreens. I watched them today and it is fun to see myself as a kid.

The tapes are from 1982, 1983, 1985, and 1990. The quality really started to worsen on the tapes so I am glad I now have it on DVDs. I paid about $50 to have four tapes transferred and I think that is an okay price even though the service turned out to be terrible like I have described earlier.

I made waffles with my fiancée today. I have not eaten waffle in many years and it was the first time I had it together with my fiancée. She bought the waffle machine right after Christmas but we kind of forgot about it.

We did not buy a prepared waffle mix but made everything from scratch. It turned out really good. I put sugar and strawberry jam on them and it really made them tasty. I got really stuffed after eating about five of them though because they are pretty dense.

I started to prepare for my final in finance today. I am typing up everything I need to know in a word document, which I think will give me a great review. My television have not worked for a week but my landlord came up to help me today.

There was something wrong with the antenna cable but he was able to solve it. I can now watch AFV, Family Feud, Heroes, CSI, and Top Model again, which I find extremely important. I am just kidding!

A lot of shows are actually being broadcasted online. I know for example that Desperate Housewives on ABC is broadcasted online for free. I really love that because it is impossible to remember to watch all the shows.

People will still have to watch a thirty second commercial about every 15 minute but I think that is okay. I have connected my computer to my television with an HD wire so I do not have to watch on my laptop, which is great.

Saint Patrick’s Day is coming up this Tuesday. There will be a pretty big parade on 5th Avenue in Manhattan just next to Berkeley College. I am not sure I will catch it on time though because I have classes.

However, I do have an hour break at that time so I should be able to watch some of it. I will not be wearing a green shirt and drink Guinness, but I am sure I will be celebrating with some Irish people.

I took today’s picture from inside a train. It turned out pretty cool and I think it reflects the craziness in New York in a good way. 

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