My test in police and society went well. There was one thing that made me a little upset though.
I finished the test rather quickly but there was one question that delayed me. It was a true or false question and I do not like those type of questions as readers might now by now.
I am do not remember exactly how the question was formulated but it was something like this: A fight between sexual partners is always, by definition, classified as domestic violence. I would usually mark a question like this as false because it says always, which makes the question disbelieving.
However, the definition of domestic violence is that the parties must have an intimate and emotional relationship and I assumed that sexual partners have that. However, I asked my professor if I was right after I had handed in my test.
She said I was wrong because I had misinterpreted the question. She had meant that sexual partners are not the only ones affected by domestic violence but also family members etcetera.
I can still not interpret the question like that but the truth is, it does not matter. My professor said: so you got one wrong, big deal. However, I would write the question like this instead: A fight between sexual partners, and only sexual partners, is always by definition, classified as domestic violence.
I also my international business book online the same day. I used half.com, which I have really had a good experience with. I believe it is a subsidiary of EBay actually. I sold my book for a good price. I actually found a website that offered the same book, but brand new, for a cheaper price.
Half.com is definitely helpful but I would wish that they had lower fees and a better shipping reimbursement. They never give people enough to cover for the shipping expenses and the fee they charge people for selling the book is calculated as a percentage of the price.
That means that if you sell a book for $80, they might charge you as much as $10, which happened to me. It might still be worth it though because it can be hard sometimes to find a buyer.
I took today’s picture in my neighborhood in Brooklyn. Apparently, there is someone looking for his or her dog and the son is very sad. Maybe someone reading my blog saw it somewhere.
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