I had my final class in finance last Monday. We did not have any new material to cover, of course because we would have our final two days after.
I am not sure the class was very important actually because I had prepared myself for the test for about two weeks and I felt ready to take it. However, there were a few questions that came up, which clarified a few things for me.
The professor had told us earlier what every question on the test would cover. He did not talk about any major details but he gave us a guideline of what to prepare for. For example, he said that question one would cover weighted average cost of capital, question two would cover the financial statements and ratios, and so on.
I felt that the easiest part of the test would be the calculations. I felt like that because the calculations have formulas and people can remember them if they just study. Analytical questions in finance can be tough to answer especially since they can involve opinions and several different alternatives.
For example, people will have to understand what happens if a firm decides to finance itself with debt or with equity and what will happen in either case.
I also studied for my final in police in society last Monday. I would have it the next day and I felt very well prepared for it and I had no worries what so ever about it.
The professor had given us a review sheet, which basically looked the same as the review sheet she handed out for the midterm. The professor always gave us an outline of the chapter before talking about it.
This helped students to follow her discussions and focus on the subject. The review sheets were basically the same paper as the outline but with the professor’s notes on it. She wrote down key terms and important information for students to remember.
I really think her review sheet helped students because it makes it much easier to study. Students can narrow down the chapters into fewer pages based on her outline and notes, which really makes it more practical for students.
I took today’s picture at Dekalb Avenue in Brooklyn. I personally feel that this is a typical Brooklyn neighborhood. It is pretty loud with a lot of traffic and the people over there usually have a typical Brooklyn attitude.
A Brooklyn attitude can be described as being tough but still nice as long as people mind their own businesses. This neighborhood is also characterized by loud rap music with car windows rolled down. It can be pretty charming actually.
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