MacDonald’s have a great deal right now. They offer two filé o fish hamburgers for $3. The last time I had it was more than ten years ago and I really like it.
I took advantage of the deal twice already. I think I have to be careful now and watch my weight actually. MacDonald’s also have double cheeseburgers on the $1 menu. This is probably my favorite deal.
The reason I like these offers so much is that you can never see it in Sweden. The prices never change there and people usually order what they always order. Using promotions in a way MacDonald’s does in New York really make people buy more and try different products. I guess people can notice that based on the extra weight gained by many here.
I had my final in finance last yesterday. It felt good actually but I was pretty nervous before the test. I wrote as fast as I could in the beginning because I was afraid I would run out of time like I did for the midterm.
We had half an hour extra this time though because students are always given two hours to do their finals. I finished the test after approximately one hour and twenty minutes. I went over my answers to see if I had missed anything but I had a good feeling about it. I double checked my calculations and turned in my test shortly after that.
I got back my test results just two hours afterwards. I got an A and that made me very happy. I always believed that finance is an important class and I have really fought to get a good grade in this class.
I had decided to eat Swizz Raclette with my friend after the test. We went to a place at 48 Street and 8th Avenue. The raclette was absolutely fantastic and we had some very nice white wine with the food.
The grades for the police and society test were also posted yesterday. I got exactly the same score on the final as I got on the midterm, which is 109 out of 115. I will still maintain my 4.0 GPA since this is a strong A.
I feel very good that this quarter is over. It has been a very insightful time and I have learned incredibly much. I need a break now though and I think my trip to Boston will really make me feel relaxed.
I bought some jeans today at Old Navy. I love the fit and the style and I am very happy with the purchase. I only paid $30 each for them and I think that is what makes Old Navy unique in its way because they are still of good quality.
I took the posted picture today when I was shopping with my fiancée. We went to Old Navy and some other stores in the same neighborhood in Brooklyn.
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