Thursday, August 14, 2008

My First B?

I had my international marketing test today and I didn’t feel as confident as I usually do. I actually think that this might turn out to be my first B on a test.

I don’t worry much about it though. We have two more tests and I will definitely do my best on them and I don’t doubt that I will end up with an A in this class.

I felt that the test was hard mainly because there were things that I wasn’t prepared for. The teacher told us that there would be ten concepts and that we had to know them. He didn’t tell us which ones though.

I listed and typed down my notes about all the concepts that I could remember we talked about but, obviously, it wasn’t enough.

Every student I talked to in class had troubles with the test. Many also got upset about it because they didn’t know how to prepare for it. I don’t really think it is an excuse though because we have talked about all of it in class.

It was a little harder to prepare for if you compare it to other tests though. I will be fine, however, so now I am focusing on the weekend.

I have a few assignments to do for Tuesday and I also have another test in advertising and promotion next Thursday. All students got review questions for that test so that one is a lot easier to prepare for than the international marketing test.

I have a few hours of studying to do this weekend including finding an article about macroeconomics and summarize it. I also need to do an assignment in advertising and promotion but I haven’t looked into that one yet.

There was a big thunderstorm here today. It’s amazing how many thunderstorms there is every month. They are really big too and the flashes lights up the sky a lot. There are always warnings issued on television about it but I haven’t heard about any major accidents caused by the thunderstorm.

I am not sure of what to do this weekend. I might go to the balloon ride event in Central Park with my fiancée, but I am not sure yet. If the weather allows it, I would love to do it though.

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