Sunday, August 17, 2008


I don’t know what is best, sushi or dumplings. Yesterday was a beautiful day and I spent it in Central Park with my fiancée.

They have set up some sort of amusement park in Central Park but it is for kids so I did not enter. It seems to be a great place for children though. They have clowns, small roller coasters, and candy.

My fiancée and I walked around mostly and enjoyed the weather. It is amazing how green central park is. It is really beautiful and there are actually not too many people there.

We will go there again next week and we will also bring some food and beverages so that we can stay there a little longer.

We bought a lot of sushi on our way home. I think I paid $25 for about 70 pieces. There is a place close to Chinatown in Manhattan that sells really cheap but good sushi. It was delicious but it was too much to finish so we ate the rest of it today.

My fiancée and I cooked our own dumplings today. It was the first time for me and it was pretty fun. We made two different dumplings, a few with crab meat and the other ones with beef. It turned out great, especially for being the first time for us.

It looks a little creepy on the picture but it tastes great. If you don’t know what it is, you should definitely check it out online. People usually buy it frozen because it takes too long to make it yourself.

I almost finished my assignment for advertising and promotion today. I need to add some more information though and make a few adjustments. I will do it tomorrow because I am too tired to do it tonight.

I am thinking about buying the Apple Macbook laptop. I need to consider if I really need it though because I don’t want to spend a lot of money unnecessarily. I am really tempted in buying it though and all Berkeley College students get a $100 discount.

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