Saturday, January 17, 2009


I will move this weekend and I have already started to prepare. I went to IKEA today to buy a dining table and a few small accessories.

I really love taking the bus to IKEA in New Jersey. The ride is really nice and you get to see something different from the city. My fiancée and I brought our cart because we knew we would have a lot to bring home.

We found a really nice dining table in wood that we bought. It was really big and heavy though and weighted over 70 lbs. Luckily, IKEA has hand trolleys for sale. They only cost $20 and it really helped us in getting our dining table home to Brooklyn.

It was quite difficult to come home because at first we had to walk from the bus at Times Square to the subway. We had to take elevators and escalators to get to the train but it is great that the MTA provides that service because without it we would not be able to bring big things like a dining table.

I finally found someone to stay in my apartment after I move. Now I will not have to pay extra rent so that feels really good. I will also have to change my address and order television and Internet service.

My fiancée and I started packing all our things today. We will not move until Monday but there is a lot to pack. We have only started with things that we do not really need such as old books and cloths.

An airplane crash landed in Hudson River two days ago. I saw it live on TV but I never actually went to Hudson River to check it out. The police blocked most of the road over there and the weather was freezing.

It is pretty amazing that all 150 passengers made it out alive and the New York rescue service acted truly heroic. They were on the scene minutes after the crash landing and it is partly thanks to that that all passengers survived.

I also thought about what my international business teacher told me: “Never fly Airbus.” That was only a joke though but he also said it because Boeing is American and provides more space.  I must agree with that.

I will probably go to IKEA again tomorrow. There are still a few things we need for the new apartment. Small appliances and silverware organizers are a few of them. I also bought blinds today. We want to replace the old ones because they look too used.

We had to buy seven blinds but it only cost about $45 so it was not that expensive. Our new landlord will help us install them so I will not have to worry about that.

I posted a picture from Sweden on the blog today. I realized that I had not downloaded all my pictures form my camera yet and found a few nice ones. 

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