Today is test day. I have an exam in new product development and for the first time in a long time, I feel uncertain about it. I have had to study seven chapters containing plenty of information. There is no way that I can learn everything in the chapters in one week.
Of course, I am not the only one having issues with this. I have talked to other students in my class and they are also very uncertain about the test. All we can do is to read as much as possible and hope for the best. Personally, I feel that this is a very old fashioned way of testing the knowledge of students.
The reason I feel that way is that we did not have a good review of the test. The professor pretty much said that we need to know what is in the chapters but also that our class discussions will play a large role in the test.
I am working today so I will not have much time to catch up before the test. I am looking forward to get it out of the way though. I will hopefully do well on the test so that I can enjoy the weekend. Another thing that is agonizing about today is that we have lecture before the test. I am sure not many students will pay attention to this however.
I had a meeting with my team for my organizational behavior class yesterday. We had to go over a presentation that will be taking place in two weeks. I feel that we cooperate well together and we have only had one group member dropping out.
The presentation is about Six Flags and how we plan to rescue it from filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy. It is actually an interesting story. The company has more than two billion USD in dept and is struggling to afford paying off creditors. Six Flags recently filed for chapter 11 and this may help them to get rid of some of its dept.
My group’s proposal includes financial incentives, marketing strategies, and other customer retaining tactics. We only have 15 minutes to present everything and this is only about three minutes per person. I will talk about Six Flags history and some financial incentives and I feel confident about doing so.
It was snowing in New York today. I thought that temperatures would increase but every year, there seems to be a hick-up in the weather cycle. I personally do not mind snow actually as long as it does not lead to slush. Let us hope that this does not happen anymore this year.
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