My charger for my Apple Macbook laptop broke last weekend. A new one at Apple cost more than $80, which is ridiculous. I bought a new charger online because that only cost me $15. However, I received it today and when I started to use it, it made loud noises when I charged my laptop.
I later also realized that it got extremely hot. I could barely touch it that is how hot it became. The seller has great rating on his eBay profile and he has sold hundreds of those chargers so I hope that I was just unlucky. I contacted the seller today and I hope that he can send me a new charger as soon as possible.
I have had a problem with USPS lately. I shipped a book to someone about a month ago with a confirmation number, which basically makes it possible to track the package. However, the tracking status was not updated after the first delivery attempt so I never knew if the book was delivered or not.
I called USPS and they set up a case for me and promised to track it. After several days, they called me back just to ask me for some more information about the address etcetera. A week past and I called back to see what had happened. At that time, they were still trying to figure out where the package was.
It has now been four weeks and they still do not know where my package is. I have called them and they have never gotten back to me. Instead, they told me to call my local post office because I was told that they were in charge of my package.
I called my local post office but they had no idea about my issue. They could not even see my issue because they were unable to even process case numbers. All I could do, according to them, was to personally go to the office and fill out a tracing form or similar. They would thereafter try to track it. If they cannot find it, all I can do is to get my postage money back, which probably is around $3.
This is extremely frustrating. The law says that they are not required to refund me for the value of the content unless I had insured the package, which I did not do. Personally, I feel that there has been a contract between us. I paid them to deliver my package and for the service to be able to track the package.
They simply did not provide me with this service and broke the contract. I therefore feel that they should give me my money back. There is no wonder of why they were making a huge net loss of 2009. The way they treat customers is terrible and their service is extremely slow. Incompetent people are working at the postal office and they need to be taught how to treat customers with respect.
Hej! Jag är en tjej som är intresserad av att plugga och flytta till New York men är osäker på hur jag skulle klara av språket. Jag hittade din blogg genom berkeley skolans hemsida och undrar om du hade problem med språket eller om du redan innan du började på Berkeley hade bra betyg i engelska? Om inte, fanns de möjlighet att plugga på det i skolan?
// Molly
Hej Molly. Du behover inte oroa dig for spraket. Jag var ocksa orolig innan jag reste, mest for att folk undrade hela tiden. Spraket ar verkligen inget problem och de flesta skandinavier ar valdigt bra pa engelska jamfort med asiater och sydeuropeer. Berkeley kommer testa dig innan du borjar skolan for att se var du ligger. Vissa pa skolan som har lite svart med engelsan far da ta extrakurser. Det samma galler matte. Tro mig, oroa dig inte! Jag hade VG i engelska i gymnasiet. Lycka till!
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