I got back my history test today. As predicted, I got an A on it, which got me in a good mood for the rest of the day.
I was very busy yesterday. I had to update my resume, write a cover letter, do two take-home midterms, look for a cell phone for my fiancée, and write my blog. I was able to do everything, and I believe it was because I hate to leave things undone.
I was not quite that busy today but I still had a lot to do. I wanted to buy curtains for my apartment so I went to a local store here in Brooklyn called Telco. It is a discount store with great prices and I found it appropriate for my purpose. I found a pair of curtains that I thought looked extremely nice for being so affordable.
I bought three of them and I am very happy with the result. The room in which I installed them now almost looks like a hotel room. Unfortunately, my cat likes them too so I have to be careful making sure she will not tear them down.
I have not installed everything I bought from IKEA yet. I will try to do it tomorrow, but I need to borrow a tool from my landlord first.
I am happy that I got an A on the history test. I did not realize until I got it back that it actually had been pretty hard. My professor is using a bonus system in which he gives everyone who significantly shows improvements after the midterm and on the final extra points.
I do not think I will need those extra points but it is beneficial for many students who had a bad day on the day of the midterm. I believe many people deserve a second chance and if they are showing they really want a better grade, they should get the opportunity to get a higher one.
I framed two puzzles last weekend. I noticed today that one piece has fallen off, which bothers me a little. It is quite a hassle to remove the frame again but I cannot stand it anymore so I will probably fix it next weekend.
I noticed that some cars here in New York have huge antennas. I saw one a few days ago with an antenna probably reaching six feet. I have no idea why they use an antenna that tall but they sure must have a great reception. I posted a picture of the car I saw just in case you are curious.
I am doing all my homework in the small room in my apartment nowadays. The curtains, pictures, and the sofa has transformed this room to something much more hospitable than before and it is now a pleasure to do homework again.
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