Last weekend was really comfortable. I was pretty exhausted after a lot of studying and a tough week. Actually, I still am but it is not that bad.
I got back my test in Professional Selling and I am really disappointed by the score. I got 82/100 so this would be one of the worst test I have ever had. There is only one reason to why I did not do well on this one and that is because it was a true or false test.
I analyze problems and I really like to go deep and question myself and ask why things are the way they are. True or false tests are too opinionated and I do not think it is a good way of testing students. Luckily, it does not happen often at Berkeley College.
I had a bunch of junk food this weekend. I usually do not eat that unhealthy but I felt like it this time. My fiancĂ©e and I ordered pizza from Domino’s last Friday. I really like their pizzas and the ordering system is fantastic.
People can order online and have the pizza delivered in 30 minutes. They can also track the pizza so that they will know exactly what is happening with their order. There are four steps: preparing, baking, boxing, and delivering. You have to try it if you have not done that already.
I also went to KFC this weekend. I found out that you can order only thighs or legs this time. I picked thighs because they are bigger and contain more meat. At first I really did not like KFC because I thought it was too greasy. I am used to it now though and I go there about ones every second month.
I also had to study this weekend. The low score I got on the test kind of put me in a bad mood but I was able to do some work. I had to do some finance, like always, but I also had to prepare myself for a test in international business.
Students are allowed to bring two reference sheets in class on the test day. That is new to me but I will try to put down key terms on the sheets. I will actually increase the margins and decrease the text size and really squeeze in as much as possible.
Most of the things in the book make sense to me. I really like business and I am quite familiar with several things in the chapters.
We will have a review for the test two days before the class and I think I will bring my laptop so that I will be able to type faster. Sometimes it can be hard to catch up with professors on the review day. It is a lot to write and I am not that fast with a pen.
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