It is finally weekend after one of the busiest weeks since I came to New York. I will finally have some time to celebrate Valentines Day and relax without having to think about homework.
I wrote my last blog right before I had my police and society test. I did not know if I would regret doing that instead of studying for the test but I felt, at that time that I had studied as much as I could.
It was one very intense week and I came to a point where I simply could not concentrate anymore. There is a limit to how much a person can study so I always take breaks when I start to feel that I am not focusing anymore.
The test in police and society was not that difficult for me. I felt that I knew a lot about the subject actually. I had bought a venti latte at Starbucks to keep me running and it probably helped me a little to keep me focused on the test.
My professor posted the grades yesterday and I got 96% on it. I am obviously very happy about that and it will make this weekend even more enjoyable. Hard work really pays off in the end.
I went to my fiancĂ©es school after my test. They had an event over there celebrating Valentines Day. I sneaked in with a visitor’s card and was able to get my hands on some free food including hamburgers, cheese sticks, and ice cream.
There were also two guys playing old-fashioned music. They dressed up in traditional old New York cloths and the music they played was great. I really enjoyed that, especially since I was very hungry.
I just finished a puzzle that I started to put together a few weeks ago. It has 750 pieces but unfortunately, it only counts to 749 right now. The last piece is missing, which is really distressing. I did not know it was missing until I was done with the whole puzzle because it was literally the last piece I would place.
I am not sure if I can blame the factory for the missing piece because it could be my cat that ate it too. I hope I will find the piece later so that I can frame the puzzle.
I am still waiting for grade in finance to be posted. I am quite curious about what I will get. I have no clue about how the teacher corrects his tests. I have no idea what I will get on it but want an A of course.
I am going to Manhattan today. I want to check out some photo stores because I want to print a photo in large print. I photoshoped it a few days ago basically just making it black and white and regulating the colors. I think it will look great on the wall.
Today’s picture is showing my puzzle with its missing piece. It is unfortunately pretty obvious so I cannot ignore it.
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