Friday, July 9, 2010


I was recently informed about by one of my coworkers. I had heard about the website before but I never really looked into it, as I already have a Facebook account activated. However, the purpose of LinkedIn is different than that of Facebook and more formal and is something I would suggest anyone to consider signing up for.

The website works similarly to Facebook but focuses more on building resumes and networking professionally. I uploaded my resume for example and the website was able to automatically generate a list containing my background, experiences, and similar.

I now have an almost complete profile page that professional’s can access. This is not only for people looking for a job, but also for people like me who wants to stay in touch with employees and to get back in touch with old friends.

I also think this type of social media will play a crucial part in future job hunting, communication, and internal networking. It is exceedingly effective and will help people and companies to save time by not having to go over paper copies and such.

I do not mean to advertise for LinkedIn. I am sure there are other websites like this but I found this one to be the most widely used site. The reason to its popularity is most likely the site’s effective tools and simple design. So check out the site if you have some time over.

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