Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

This break went over very quickly. I honestly did not do much during this short vacation with the reason being my recent trip to Las Vegas and the fact that I worked for the whole week.

The break only lasted for a week but was extended thanks to the Independence Day holiday on the Fourth of July. I did not do much during this day but I did spend time thinking about the brave overseas.

I did travel to Coney Island to watch the annual hot dog eating contest. It is always a joy to watch Joey Chestnut beat the competition. This time, he only ate 54 hot dogs in ten minutes, which were fourteen dogs less than last year.

However, he was still able to bring home the first price. The momentum that is built by the introducer is magnificent. People are not ashamed to show their pride and I really enjoy being part of it.

People cheered after statements such as, “No one eats more than an American” and chants of “USA USA USA,” was common. It was great being part of this especially on the fourth.

I was planning to barbeque in Prospect Park that day but I ended up grilling at home instead. I bought some Nathan’s hot dogs and turkey burgers and it turned out great. Luckily, there are several super markets close by that are open 24/7, which I greatly appreciate.

The biggest reason to why I never went to Prospect Park was the weather. It was probably around 100 degrees that day so staying inside with the air conditioner seemed like a good idea. Happy Independence Day to everyone!

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