Friday, April 10, 2009


The first week is over and I must say that I feel very enthusiastic about this quarter. My professors are great and the classes I take are so far very interesting.

We talked about World War 2 in my history class last Thursday. It was extremely attention grabbing even though the professor talked straight for about an hour and a half.

The professor is great when it comes to separating his opinion and facts. He liked to tell people what he thinks but he always lets students know if he is talking based on facts or opinion. I really appreciate that since many professors sometimes forget to teach in an objective manner.

I sold my finance book online today. I believe I bought the book for about $60 if I remember it right. I was able to sell it for $84. It is very uncommon that people sell their books for more than what they bought it for but I guess it happens.

My laptop has been really slow lately. I had never restored a Macintosh laptop before but it is as easy as doing it on a PC, if actually not easier. All I had to do was to insert the installation CD and restart the computer and, after that, follow the instructions.

My laptop is a lot faster now and it almost feels like new. I took a lot of pictures with my Canon 5D camera and I realized while cleaning up my laptop that I have about 40 gigabytes of pictures. That is pretty much and I really hope I will not lose it some day.

I filed a complaint against my local post office today. They always deliver my issue of The Economist late and it is getting on my nerves. It should show up every Thursday but it is usually delivered on Fridays.

I can accept if it is late for one day but sometimes I do not get it until after the weekend and last week I did not get any magazine at all. However, this Thursday I received two magazines, last week’s issue and this week’s issue.

The post office called me back today and promised to look over the problem. Someone will oversee my mail for a few weeks so I really hope I will receive the following issues on time.

I took today’s picture in Times Square. I love this part of Manhattan except from all the tourists gathering there. I always get off at Times Square when I go to school. It only takes about 8 minutes get to Berkeley College from there. 

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