I have a problem verifying my account here on Blogger. It is disgracefully difficult to get in touch with customer support so I am not sure how I can deal with this problem. Hopefully they will read this blog, which I doubt.
My exercise bike that I ordered from Modell’s was shipped today. They have really been fast in handling my order so I am very satisfied with the purchase so far. I really hope the bike is of good quality but I bought a two-year warranty plan so I do not worry too much about it.
My group in the management class won a challenge today. Everyone saw a video about three different companies and each group was then to answer a few questions about it. The different groups graded each other and my group was given a 100% score.
I feel really good about it and I already sense that my grade is going to be an A in the end. I teamed up with a great group too and we are all A student. I am the only one with a 4.0 though.
I bought razorblades today for my Mach 3 razor. It is amazing how expensive they are and it is quite frustrating when they run out and I have to go out and buy more of them. A package containing eight razorblades cost about $20 and it does not seem like they will lower the price even though there is a recession going on.
Actually, the good thing about recessions is that prices usually come down a little. There are a lot of great offers in New York right now, except for the razors that is. As a student, this affects me in a positive way and the recession will hopefully be over when I graduate.
I always thought that the American cheese was worse than Swedish cheese. However, I bought some American cheese over the counter a few weeks ago and I must say that I love the taste of that cheese.
People usually buy a whole piece of cheese in Sweden and than slice it themselves. In New York, however, when people order a cheese they will automatically slice it for you. I like that actually.
I have read about 80 pages in my history book so far. It is extremely interesting so I am reading it almost every day. My professor warned me that the author puts in his opinion in a few places and I started to notice that today.
It is easy, at least for me, to understand when the author changes facts to opinion but I am sure it can be confusing for some people. The good thing about my professor is that he explains the real facts to us when the author might be expressing his opinion a little too much.
There is not much to say about today’s picture. I took it in Brooklyn on my way home from school. The signal lights look very different than signal lights in Europe, which is why I like it.
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