I went to have another tour on the third day in Boston. It was included in the Go Boston Card so I felt I had to do it.
The tour is called the Bean Trolley Tour. It is similar to the duck tour because it takes people around Boston but it differs in that it lets people get off at any stop and later reenter the bus at any time before 4.30 PM.
My fiancée and I wanted to see MIT and Harvard and the bus took us there. It actually only takes people to MIT but MIT is only two train stops away from Harvard. The guide told us a great story about MIT students.
I am not sure about when but a long time ago a few MIT students stole a police car and took it apart to be able to take it inside one of the MIT buildings. They then reassembled it on the roof and put a dummy, portraying an office, inside the car. They also put a few donuts next to it. This really frustrated the police department but the story is definitely fascinating.
It was really fun to see Harvard. I have always wanted to know what it looks like. I took a bunch of pictures of the buildings and a few of when I touched John Harvard’s left shoe, which is said to bring luck.
Harvard University is huge and consists of a lot of different buildings. The students did not dress as upscale as I thought they would actually but it is impressive when you think about how many famous people there are who have graduated from there.
There is a restaurant called Uno Chicago Grill at Harvard Square. I wanted to go there because they served the famous Chicago deep-dish pizza. The pizza is almost as deep as a thick pie so I felt that I had to try it.
My fiancée had sirloin steak with rice and soup. That was actually a lunch special so she could eat as much soup as she wanted. She could choose between four different soups but the one I fell in love with was the clam chowder soup.
We also bought a bunch of souvenirs from Harvard and MIT. There is a great store called the COOP, which sells Harvard and MIT souvenirs. I bought one MIT and one Harvard shirt. We also bought a few cups and hats.
My fiancée and I went out to shop at H&M, TJ Max, and a few other stores later the same evening. I found an awesome black summer weather jacket. I really love it so far because it looks and feels terrific.
We had Chinese food again when we came back to the hotel. It tasted better this time because both of us ordered different dishes than the first time and I guess we were hungrier too.
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