I was surprised when I arrived to school today. No one was waiting for the history class and there was another class going on in the classroom. I thought I had the wrong room number but the class turned out to have been changed.
The class I registered was supposed to start at 8.55 AM. However, when I checked my schedule online this morning, it said the class was going to begin at 9.50 AM. Something had definitively changed and this meant a conflict between my history class and my international business class.
I double-checked the day schedule for the New York Midtown campus, and that one too said the class was going to begin at 9.50 AM. The thing is, I would not be able to register if there would be a complication between classes.
I had saved the old day schedule that I had printed out last quarter before registering for classes and that one said the class begins 8.55 AM. So, I was right. I got very upset because this could mean that I would lose four credits this quarter sense I would not be able to take both history and international economics anymore.
I went up to the international division and the academic advisors who confirmed the issue. The class had been changed after that I had registered. They were going to talk to the dean while I went to the class and I would later come back after my classes.
I think the history class will be very interesting. We will talk about history between 1940 and 1982. I felt that the professors knows a lot about history and I definitely think he will make it fun and enjoyable to go to class.
I had to leave early because of the conflict in my schedule and that made me feel a little bad. I believe it is extremely rude to leave class in the middle of a lecture. However, I had notified the professor earlier about the problem.
My international economics class turned out to be as fun as I had expected. The professor is extremely humorous and he definitely makes it fun to learn for most students.
I went back to the international division after my classes. I was surprised to hear that the class had been changed back to its normal schedule because of my complaint. This made me very happy since I now would not have to drop my history class.
I bought all the books I need online today. My friend brought two of them for me today in class and I bought the last two online a few hours ago. I only spent about $50 on books this quarter so that feels very good.
I took the posted picture in the subway. I was waiting for the train and thought I could use some of my creativity while doing so. It is one of many phones located in the subway, which people can use to either call the police or their loved ones.
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