Shopping for shoes in New York is not really one of my favorite things to do but my fiancée loves it.
We went to DSW, which is a chain store that sells shoes only. Their stores are huge and they have all kinds of shoes there. It is pretty impressive how big they are. I took a picture last time I was there so that I can show you the size of it.
This is my last study day before the finals. I have studied business law mostly and I think I know most of it now. The subjects I have to learn include real estate, contracts, torts, and wills.
It is very interesting actually and the view people get in Europe that the laws in the United States are crooked does not really make since anymore. The truth is, most Europeans do not have a clue about how the legal system in the States works.
I also looked over the math I need to know for tomorrow. I need to know everything from the matrix system to exponential equations. It is not very hard if you put some effort in getting familiar with it.
I have also studied for the microeconomics test. My professor posts review questions online before every test so there are a total of three review question sheets online right now. This is great to study before the tests and it basically means that you will be fine on the test if you can answer those questions.
I did those questions this morning. I got 100% on all of them so I think I am ready for the test tomorrow. I will probably look over it tomorrow again, before the test though.
My business law teacher decided something last week that I really like. Every student who shows up 15 minutes late will have five points deducted from his test score. The number one thing I hate is when people show up late for class so I really like this decision.
This is especially good on the final because many people are nervous and if someone suddenly walks in, right in the middle of the class, a lot of people might lose their concentration.
I have not studied much for my consumer behavior class but I have read my notes a couple of times. I will spend a lot of time tomorrow to study for it though, so I am not worried that I will not have enough time for it.
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