One of the greatest things about New York is definitely the Christmas decoration. Most stores have put up decorations now and the city looks fabulous.
The huge Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center was lit last Wednesday, but I missed it unfortunately. I am going there tonight to check it out and to take some pictures. I was there last year and attended the lighting ceremony, which was awesome.
The Christmas tree lighting ceremony has been a tradition since 1931. The tree itself is attached by wires so that it will not fall. There are over 30,000 lights attached to it. The wire with all the lights is about five miles long, which is pretty incredible.
New Yorkers are crazy about the environment so every year they recycle the tree for various purposes. For example, they ones used the tree for house construction purposes. Rockefeller Centers garden division picks out a tree every year but the tree itself my not come from New York.
They search in areas including Ohio, Vermont, Connecticut, and Canada, but I am sure they look in other places too.
Households are also starting to decorate their properties. My neighbor has decorated his whole house and it looks great. I think that people in Dyker Heights are decorating a lot but I am not sure. I am thinking about checking it out though.
I only have one more week left in school now. I have a quiz in math and the rest of the week will be pretty calm. The following week after next is final week though and that one will be pretty packed.
I have three finals that Tuesday. It is in math, business law, and microeconomics. I will be free that Monday, which is good because that gives me time to study.
I have my last final on Wednesday, which is in consumer behavior. Times has, as usual, gone very fast this quarter. I will go back to Sweden for Christmas and will stay for eight days. I am looking forward to see my family again and to get a short break from busy New York.
I will take a few pictures in Sweden that I will post on the blog. I will also put up a picture on the Rockefeller Christmas tree.
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