Thursday, October 2, 2008

Berkeley College

I have now met all my teachers and I am very satisfied so far. My math teacher seems to be very smart and understandable, and my professor in consumer behavior is very experienced.

Like I have described before, I do not like math. I am very thankful that Berkeley College offers free tutoring because I might need it. Hopefully, I will not have to use the tutoring, but it feels safe that it is there if I need it.

I also met my old professor today and I really enjoyed talking to him. I have not seen him since my first quarter, which is more than a year ago. He is very intelligent and I was happy to hear that he is teaching a class that I will take in the future.

One thing that I really like about Berkeley College is that the teachers connect classes with reality. In most of my classes we now talk about the financial crisis, which I find very interesting. I follow it pretty closely by reading about it in “The Economist,” and I am also following it on the news on a daily basis.

I believe that it is a great time to be a student. Not only because the unemployment rate is going up, but also because there is a lot to learn from this crisis. It is amazing how teachers at Berkeley College can connect this crisis to the different classes.

In business law we discuss it from a legal perspective. In consumer behavior we talk about it based on how it affects consumers, and in microeconomics we talk about it more generally, even though it might have been more appropriate to talk about it in a macroeconomics class. However, I am more than thankful that we cover this important subject in this class.

I am trying to sell my books now. I put up posters in school today and I hope that someone will contact me in a near future. It usually pays of to put up posters so I am hopeful that it will work.

Berkeley College has renovated the basement in our main building. I noticed it today and it looks fantastic. They have built a lounge for students and there is a large flat screen television down there for people who want to watch movies or similar.

I noticed today that Berkeley College has a new website so I advice every one of you to check it out. 

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