Halloween is coming up and I am looking forward to the huge parade in Manhattan. Halloween is celebrated October 31 and originates from the Gaelic culture. The Gaels believed that the boundary between the dead and the alive dissolved on October 31. The dead was said to become harmful and cause sickness and damage.
It is amazing to see the decorations that are arranged here in New York. Many households put up all kinds of different scary characters and pumpkins. I took the posted picture at my neighbor’s place.
Almost every store sells Halloween decorations. Pharmacies, hardware stores, and supermarkets all sell it. I really like holidays, and hopefully it may help to boost up the economy a little.
I am free from school tomorrow because it is Columbus Day. Most schools are closed during that day and I feel extra good because that is the day when I have a math class. We started with creating equations now and I was a little tense about it even though it is pretty basic. I do not have any problems in solving equations, but I feel that it can be difficult to create one from a word problem.
However, my math teacher is excellent and he takes everything step by step. I studied some math today and yesterday because I felt that I had to exercise. I am really surprised how fast I learned it and I feel ready for the first test. We had similar problems in my fundamentals for mathematics class so that is probably why it was easier for me to learn this time.
I typed down my notes for my business law class. It really helps to do that because now I got a review of what we have talked about. It was actually also the first time I took a look in the book.
One thing that is great about the book is that it is unbound. Since it is a book about law it is very thick so it helps a lot that it is not bound together. It gives people the opportunity to bring only one chapter in loose pages so people will not have to carry around an awfully heavy book.
I am going to eat meatballs with mashed potatoes tonight. I found out yesterday that I still have frozen meatballs in the fridge and it has been a while since I had that.
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