Thursday, October 9, 2008

Quiz Results

I got back my quiz results for my math test today. I got everything right, which is a big relief. I was a little worried about the quiz because I got some weird answers for two of the questions.

I really thought that the teacher would give me questions that would have a somewhat logic answer. I expected the answers to be simple numbers such as 34, 10, or similar because it was only a quiz. I got answers like A-10B over C, and -14 over 6 so that was why I got worried about it.

It always feels good after the first test because it is really hard to know how the teacher will put the test together. When you have had the first exam, you will know how the other tests will be structured. I feel a lot more confident for the upcoming test because of this.

The stock market had another catastrophic day today and it is a thrill to check the numbers online every day. It is nerve-racking to watch the website being loaded because you never know if the Dow Jones index will be negative 500 points.

My microeconomics teacher talks about the economic crises about ten minutes in the beginning of each class. The class would not normally cover this since it would be described as macroeconomics but he and we, the students, find that it is important to talk about in a business class.

My fiancée and I will stay home tomorrow. We both need to study and we also want one day to stay home and just relax. The days are beautiful right now. The fall is definitely my favorite season. I really want to go to Central Park to take some typical photos of the park and the colorful leafs.

I have some horrible aches from working out too much. I wanted to try out to lift some weights because it has been more than a year since I did that. I did not use too heavy weights so I thought I would avoid the worst aches. I think it will feel better tomorrow though, and I am a little happy that I have the aches because that proves that the work out actually did some good.

I will type down some notes in word tomorrow from my business law class. I want to create a good source that will make it easier for me to study for the upcoming test. I think that my tests in business law and math will be the most challenging ones this quarter. However, I should still be able to maintain my 4.0 GPD. 

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