I had a very eventful day today. Unfortunately, it was not in a very good way. The day started off great with my business law class. The teacher is very funny and it is interesting to learn more about the court system in the United States.
Instead of talking about business law, we discussed politics and last night’s debate between McCain and Obama. It was not directly related to business law but it was still interesting to talk a little about it.
I did not open my mouth until a Swedish student claimed that we have an income tax of 26% in Sweden, which is an entirely underestimated rate. I also explained that people will have to count other taxes to get an understanding of how high the tax really is.
Berkeley College is a very clean and modern school so I was surprised when hearing someone scream after he saw a roach in the classroom. No one stepped on it so after that moment everyone was kind of tense and nervous, continuously looking at the floor.
I had a quiz today and I am a little disappointed with it. I thought the test contained only one page. Unfortunately, there were five more questions on the back of the paper. I noticed it after I turned it in so I asked my teacher after the class if I could fill out the missing answers. However, he did not let me, which I can understand.
Him and I actually laughed a little about it because he knows that I am one of the best students in the class. Fortunately, it was only a quiz so I will probably only lose 3.5 points. If I get all the questions right, which I think I will, it will also show that I have knowledge about it and that I mistakenly did not see the other page.
It was another volatile day at Wall Street today. DJIA was down approximately 400 points during the day but amazingly recovered and closed at 400 points up.
It feels good that it is weekend. I will have to study a lot though because I have two midterms next week. The first one is in college algebra and the second one is in microeconomics. I feel pretty confident about both of them but I want to review the math because I really do not want to disappoint myself.
I will also go to Central Park to have a walk with my fiancée. It looks fantastic during the fall and the air is very fresh. I will not bring my SLR camera, but I think I will bring a small compact camera to at least capture some of the nice environment.
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