Monday, May 5, 2008


Yesterday was Sunday and I pretty much stayed inside the whole day. It was pretty nice though. My girlfriend and I studied a lot. We went out for an hour just to get some fresh air and something to eat.

I had two quizzes and a midterm today. The first quiz was my marketing quiz and it felt really good. We were given the answer after everyone had taken the quiz and I think I’ll get an A on it. My teacher said though, that it doesn’t matter if you fail the quiz, the midterm is what is really important.

It’s a very intelligent teacher. I would guess that the reason he gives us the quiz two days before the midterm is to prepare us for the midterm. Most students only study the day before the midterm but that is changed because of the quiz. It covered everything that we’ve talked about so you had to study exactly what you have to study for in the midterm.

The only difference is that the quiz asked us for definitions and the midterm will be actual company dilemmas. He might for example ask us how to improve Dr. Pepper. It will be seven questions and each question is worth about 15 points.

I’m actually looking forward to the midterm a little. I also had a midterm today in computer essentials. We are learning PowerPoint and it was pretty easy. My teacher made a mistake though. He gives everyone a different test and the one I got had questions about chapter four in the book. We have only discussed chapter one, two, and three.

I did all the questions though and turned in the test. I think I got everything right, but if there is anything that I didn’t do right about the chapter four questions, I will definitely let the teacher know about it. I told him that we haven’t studied that material and he told me he knew and that it was alright.

Today I’m studying for the accounting midterm. It takes place on Thursday and I’m trying to get myself prepared for it. I feel pretty confident about it actually. I also got back my English paper today. I got an A and my teacher really liked it. He copied it and gave all students a copy so that they would know how to get an A. I felt a little weird about that but I'm happy that he liked it!

Several times every month there are different activities for students at Berkeley College. I happened to see one activity today that would suit me. Students will go to New Jersey by bus to play Paintball. It sounds pretty fun actually and I have never done it before.

I was thinking about doing it in Sweden but I never got the opportunity to do it. It’s only $50 and it’s a good way to meet students. I mostly want to do it for the thrill though. I have heard that it kind of hurts to get hit so I can imagine how thrilling it must be. I will most likely bring some friends if I go there, but I don’t know if I will attend though.

I need to think about it for some time. Now it’s time for some accounting!

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