After that class I had my second midterm in PowerPoint presentations. We were using the book for the test so it wasn’t that hard.
I only had one class yesterday and that was accounting. I was a little nervous about getting my test back since I knew I didn’t do the last question right. I got a good feeling when the teacher entered the room though because he was greeting me in a very mannerly way. I got 198 out of 202 and the teacher also gave everyone 16 extra credits so I actually got 214 out of 202. I can’t complain about that.
I got home early so I spent some lovely time with my girlfriend. I was really tired so we took a nap together. Afternoon naps are definitely really pleasurable. We took the train later that day and something terrible happened.
Sometimes when you ride the train they stop because of a sick passenger. When my girlfriend and I were riding the train yesterday there was a young woman fainting right behind me. Luckily there was a doctor of some kind on the train. He laid her down and tried to keep her conscious. The train stopped at the next stop and they notified the paramedics.
My girlfriend and I switched train shortly afterwards because there was another train arriving. It’s a little scary when things like that happen but it’s good to know that there are people who will care.
I got back my midterm in math and marketing today. My marketing teacher did the same procedure as he did with the quizzes. When he gave me my test he told everyone to applaud. I got 100 out of 100 on both the quiz and the midterm. That feels really good and it has boosted my confidence even more.
I also looked up my grade for the midterms in PowerPoint. I got top score on those ones too. This has been a really good week when it comes to grades.
I will try to exercise a little harder from now on. I have been a little lazy lately and I haven’t had the time to be that serious about it. I won’t work out too hard though since I want to enjoy life too. I think I will go there about three or four times a week.
If I do that I can lose some weight and in two month I can start eating and enjoying life again. I am still thinking about what I should do this upcoming break after this quarter. It’s only six weeks left actually. I might go to Seattle but I am not sure yet.
I need to do some accounting now. I have three exercises to do for tomorrow. I’m really not in the mood for it though. I wish I could be spending time with my girlfriend instead.
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