Saturday, August 8, 2009

Vacuum Cleaner Bags

I have been doing a lot of studying this weekend. Actually, I have been studying a lot for several weeks. I will have a test in ethics on Tuesday and I have prepared for it by typing all my notes into a word document. It is a great way to rehears and it definitely helps me to get A’s.

I have also started to write my report for my management class. It is quite challenging because I have to answers questions concerning costumer service, profit, and costs. I have to analyze financial data, surveys, and employee statistics. Putting everything together and try to see what decisions lead to where is tricky, but I think I have figured out most correlations.

I also answered all questions for my international trade class. I have asked everyone in my group to do the same and we will compare our answers on Tuesday. I did my part very thoroughly and I hope the rest of my group also takes it seriously. I really believe we have a great product and I think the professor will like our conclusions.

There was a plane and a helicopter colliding over Hudson River today. It is extremely shocking that these kinds of things keep happening. I am not sure of why they collided but the FAA should definitely do something to regulate traffic over Hudson in a more secure way.

I am still waiting for my paper in professional selling to be graded. I believe I did great and I am very happy with it so far. I hope the professor feels the same way. He will probably grade the paper sometimes next week. One thing I really like about online classes is that the professors post the grades very quickly.

The weather has been very comfortable the last few days. I have not had to run the air conditioner, which always is a good sign. However, next Monday is forecasted to be extremely hot and approximately 100 Fahrenheit.

I cleaned my apartment today. I actually refurnished a little too because I moved a drawer chest from the small to the kitchen. It is extremely useful because now I do not have to put my keys and papers on the kitchen table anymore. I would also want to install a big plant in my kitchen but I am afraid it will attract small bugs.

I tried to find vacuum cleaner bags today. It is not as easy as people can imagine. A seller in a 99c store told me no one is using that anymore, which I found quite surprising. Then how do people clean their apartments, with a broom?

I am going out to look for it tomorrow. I think I know a place that has it but it takes twenty minutes to walk there, which was the reason I did not go there today.

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