Thursday, September 24, 2009

Five Days in Sweden

I have been in Sweden now for five days. I have met some friends and been with my family and it has been really great. However, I actually miss New York now and I am looking forward to come back.

I am going to my mom’s place tomorrow but I will enjoy a nice dinner before going there. My dad will cook something, which I am really looking forward to since he is a great chef.

My dad got a dog a few months ago and it has been fun to play with it. It is still young though so it has lots to learn. It is very cute and playful but I wish it could be a little calmer sometimes.

I went to meet a few good friends today. I have not seen them for years and it was good to finally meet them again. I must say they have not changed much but I really do not mind. I like to see them being themselves. That is one thing that makes it worth to come back because it makes you feel like you are home in a way.

I bought some books online yesterday. Two professors have already posted the syllabuses for those classes, which is great because then I do not risk of falling behind the first week when waiting for the books. I am still waiting for two syllabuses though so I hope the professors will post them soon.

I think it will be very easy for me to adjust to New York time again. The last few days I have not been able to sleep at night so I have fallen asleep at around 2 AM. This is actually pretty good because that means I will not suffer from severe jet lag when arriving to New York.

My blog will also be found on GoStudy’s website in the future. It is a Swedish organization that helps students apply to college abroad. I hope to be of help to the ones who need it and I urge everyone who has questions to contact me. I know that applying to college abroad can be tricky but I also know how to do it in an easy way.

My mom will celebrate her birthday party on Saturday. The guests who are invited to not know I am here so they will probably be very surprised to see me. I am really looking forward to meet all of them because it has been more than two years since last time. It is family events like that I really miss when I am in New York.

It has been pretty difficult to write my blog lately mainly because I do not feel I do many things here in Sweden. Being with friends and family is mainly why I came back. I went to a laser shooting game last weekend with my family, which was very fun. We also went bowling like I said before. Other than that, just being with family members is a great thing and it is something you learn to appreciate when you are away from them over long periods.

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