I have been studying a lot the last two days because I had a test in business law today. We have covered a lot of material so I did not want to miss out on anything.
The test was a lot shorter and a lot easier than I thought it should be. I do not want to say it was too easy though because I struggled a little with a couple of true or false questions. The test consisted of five true or false questions, five multiple-choice questions, five short answer questions, and one essay question.
I really do not like true or false questions because they can be very tricky sometimes. I always analyze the questions and I think I do that too much occasionally. I know I got one true or false question wrong because I looked up the answer after the class.
I would want the whole test to be in short answer or essay style. I think I will be all right though but I am a little worried about the true or false questions. I know that I answered the other questions correct though.
I got back my consumer behavior test today. I got 39 out of 40 questions correct so I am happy with that. The teacher had also added five extra credit questions so my final score was 103 out of 105.
One thing that I really do not like about test days is when students start to talk out loud about the test ten minutes before it is supposed to start. It always makes me question myself and wonder if I really know everything there is to know.
The students that do talk about the test before it starts are usually always the ones that end up with a bad result. When they discuss a certain topic and what they say is wrong, I start wondering if I am wrong or if they are wrong, which is very frustrating.
I will take it easy for the rest of the week but I have a couple of test coming up next week. I have one quiz in math, a small test in consumer behavior, and a midterm in microeconomics.
The math quiz will actually be an online quiz so I do not have to go to school that day. It works in the manner that you log in to your student account and after you have clicked on the “take the quiz” link you will have one hour to do it. People have only one chance to do it so after that you have turned in the results, you will not be able to do it again.
It will be the first time for me to do a quiz online so I am looking forward to it.
Today is “Veterans Day,” and there was a big parade along Fifth Avenue. The day is designated to the troops currently fighting around the world and to veterans. I really like the parade but unfortunately I missed most of it because I had classes at that time. I was still able to take a few pictures though.
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