Friday, July 3, 2009

Segway Tour

Later on the second day in Washington DC, we also saw the reflecting pool. It really was not reflecting as much as I thought it would. It would be more fantastic if they colored the water black.

After spending some time in the Washington Monument area, we walked to Pennsylvania Avenue. There are plenty of interesting buildings there including, the White House, The Ronald Reagan Building, and the Federal Trade Commission.

We did not go to the White House this day but we saw many buildings of interest on our way to The Capitol. My fiancée and I also saw the president convoy. We saw the president limousine surrounded by police cars, which was interesting.

The Capitol building is fantastic and incredibly beautiful. We took several pictures there and there were also several tourists surrounding us. We stayed at the Capitol for a few hours and listened to a rehearsal for a concert nearby. The actual concert was going to take place on the fourth of July.

On our way back to the hotel we visited the Botanic Garden. It was closed but people were still allowed to go to the garden outside the green house. It was nothing unique but the weather was beautiful so it was a nice experience.

We visited the White House the next day. It was spectacular to see it and I was very excited about it. We took a few great pictures there but we knew we would come back the same day because I had booked a Segway Tour.

We wanted to go to the aquarium after our visit at the White House but while we were waiting in line there was a guy coming out saying it was not better than a pet store. We left the line after that and went to have a coffee at Starbucks instead.

We both were nervous about the Segway Tour. My fiancée and I saw other people on the tour the same day and it did not look very easy to maneuver the vehicle. We got even more nervous when our group started to try it out.

Segways are maneuvered by using gravity. If you stand on your toes leaning forward, the Segway moves forward and so on. Both my fiancée and I had some troubles getting used to it but after about 15 minutes we felt comfortable on it.

The Segway tour was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had on a tour. After getting used to it, it is extremely fun to drive it. People on the streets look amazed and many ask where they can take the tour. I definitely recommend doing it if it is available in the city you are visiting.

I felt really tired in my legs after the two-hour tour so we went back to the hotel after having a few hot dogs and some ice cream. A Segway costs bout $5,000 and I can see myself buying one in the future.

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