I have enjoyed my first weekend since school started this quarter by studying professional selling. I have done three quizzes and discussed selling techniques online with my professor and classmates.
This online class is really taking up a lot of my time. However, I really love doing the assignments and discussing selling tactics. I am doing very well so far and have been able to score an A on the first week’s assignments so I have great expectations for this course so far.
There has also been posted a written assignment that is due in four weeks. I will probably start working on it tomorrow because I do not want to end up in the same situation as I did when I had finance where I struggled to finish my paper up to the very last day.
I went to IKEA today to buy some quality Swedish furniture. I had to buy an extra side table for my study room since I needed some extra space to do homework. It looks great and the table was, of course, very easy to assemble. I took a picture outside IKEA on the Swedish flag in case anyone is interested.
I will have to get used to extra long weekends now. I do not have school tomorrow, Monday because I only have classes on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. That is very convenient but it is easy to get bored if at staying home too much. I am glad I have an online class because that will keep me occupied during those days.
Berkeley College has excellent study areas and it is quite helpful to go there on days when you do not feel motivated to study. I need to read one chapter in preparation for a test in international trade and I am still waiting for the book. If I do not receive it in the mail tomorrow I will have to go to Berkeley College to read it. The library always keeps a copy of the course-required textbook.
The required books for this quarter have been quite expensive. My book in international trade is selling for $165. I was lucky and found one, which I hope is in excellent condition, for approximately $110. People who want to save money on textbooks should go to Amazon.com and Half.com. People can also set up selling accounts on these website in case they want to sell their used textbooks.
I am not sure about how much I have saved by selling my books online. I do know, however that it exceeds $800. In many cases I actually end up making a profit on my books. I usually sell them for a higher price than what I bought them for. This can be hard to maintain though since new editions severely decreases the value of older books. That is a good reason to sell them as soon as possible.
Most professors recommend students to keep their books. It can be the start of a personal library and the books hold information that may be very useful in the future. I agree with this, however, it may be hard for some students to afford keeping all their books. Also, when it comes to accounting, marketing, and a few other areas, books simply get old and become outdated rather quickly.
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