Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Think Responsibly"

Yesterday, I received a t-shirt I ordered from The Economist. The message is: “Think Responsibly.” The shirt is a little too big, but I was hoping it would shrink in the laundry.

I sent out my resume to a marketing company today. I am hoping to hear from them next week because they explained on their website that they were looking for interns. It looks like a fun firm to work at and I am now awaiting responses from three companies.

I was hoping to find an internship starting July 6th. That is one day after I am coming home from Washington DC and the same day classes start at Berkeley College. I think it would be extremely valuable for me to work at a few firms before graduation. All students are required to do one internship for credits, but I want to do more than that even though it would be unpaid and not give me any credits.

I need to go out to shoot a few new pictures for the blog. I am running out of pictures from my Canon 5D camera and I have not been taking pictures lately. I will definitely try to shoot some more next week and on my trip to Washington DC.

Touring the White House has become difficult since September 11, 2001. It is understandable but disappointing. It is still possible to do it, but people need to be in a group of ten and requests must be submitted through one’s Member of Congress. I will probably stay outside the White House.

Next week is theoretically the last week for this quarter at Berkeley College. There is a final week after that one but the regular schedule is not followed. Instead, classes are scheduled based on finals and deadlines. I believe I only have two tests that week so I will have plenty of time to read “The Economist,” and prepare for my trip.

I hope most people like the new design of my blog. I felt that change was needed and my opinion is that the new design is more stylish and it makes the blog easier to read. I also decided to enlarge the picture size. The old design made the pictures too small and some of them simply got too big after clicking on them.

I am looking forward to the next quarter. It will be an interesting experience to take the online class in professional selling. I am also looking forward to the management simulation class where students use a computer program that simulates a business environment and forces students to make decision that has direct impact on profit, sales, and costs etcetera.

The break is not very long. It lasts for ten days, which does not give much time for travelling. However, I feel that it is enough for me because I am only staying in Washington DC for five days. I will probably spend the other five days wisely at the beach or in other relaxing environments.

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