Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Berkeley College

I would like to discuss future plans of Berkeley College that may change things quite substantially. There are currently plans to open a new campus in Brooklyn and the school will start an MBA program in a year.

This shows how dedicated Berkeley College is when it comes to growth and innovation. I feel that this is exceedingly important and, as a student, I feel encouraged to hear that the school will offer higher education after I graduate.

Many schools do not grow in size and are almost afraid of implementing change. I am proud to be part of a school that sets challenging goals and always tried to improve its implementation strategies and systems.

I finished the business plan draft for my group dynamics class today. People can really tell that Berkeley College is a business school. The reason I am saying this is that I have taken many classes like ethics, history, and group dynamics and all of them are taught from a business perspective. I believe that this is very important and this also really prepares students for their future careers.

A couple of weeks ago, I went out with two friends to play some pool and hang out. I had a great time and afterwards we went to a place called Chipotle. I would describe it as a Mexican version of Subway restaurant. The food is ordered in the same way but they serve burritos and Mexican food instead of sandwiches.

The food is absolutely great and I went there again today with a friend. Being his birthday last week, I gave him a tie and a birthday card. The tie looked really good and had it not been his birthday, I would probably have kept it myself.

Thanksgiving is coming. I have to go to work tomorrow but I will have four days of tomorrow. I am really looking forward to some vacation. I need to get some rest and turkey, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie will definitely help me to regain my strengths.

I will not go out late night on Black Friday. Instead, I will go to a few places that open the morning after on Friday. I will probably have to get up quite early but that is okay because I can take a nap in the afternoon. I am planning to buy headphones and maybe an external hard drive but I have not decided yet.

The group presentations in my managing for change class started today. People did okay but a few of the presentations were quite shaky. I believe it is because each group contain between five to seven people. However, all presentations were very creative with video clips, PowerPoint slides, and quizzes.

I got my test in small business management back today. I got 98 out of 100. I was uncertain about what I would get on the test because it has been two weeks since I took it. I am obviously very happy with it and I got the feeling that most students did well too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good one on "Berkeley College".And I would like to say that I'm living my dream of owning my own business and working from home earning equally or more than the regular jobs by using http://debtfreeliving.ownanewbusiness.com.

Peter- Own a new business