Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hockey coming up!

I bought hockey tickets today! This will be my first live NHL experience and I’m really looking forward to it! I will see the Rangers against the Tigers at Madison Square Garden. The game is in two weeks and I will go with a couple of friends. I’ve been talking a long time about this so it feels good that it finally is going to happen.

It’s going to be fun to take some good photographs of the game. I will bring my professional camera and try to take some good shots. I have a test coming up this week. It’s the computer test. I still don’t feel worried about it and half the class took it today. The teacher split the class in two to make it easier for him to organize.

This Monday is Presidents’ Day. The college is closed and that means I have four days off from school. It’s going to be really nice! Me and my girlfriend will go to the beach in Long Island. We have never been there and we both want to know what it looks like. It’s going to be fun!

I’m also planning on going to Century 21 in Lower Manhattan. It’s a huge cloth store and they have some good brands for affordable prices. I need to buy jeans and some shirts. I’ll bring my girlfriend to get some supervision from her.

I just finished my book for my English class. It was about Cornelius Vanderbilt. It was an interesting book to read, however, not that fun. I’ve learned a lot about him though and I think my final paper in English, which will be about him, is going to become really good. I’m really into American history right now and New York has a lot of stories to offer.

I asked my English teacher about good history books. He gave me a few advices and I will definitely look them up. The first book is called “America” by Alistair Cooke. The second one is “Don’t Know Much about History” by Kenneth C. Davis. Most books you read about history are really boring. That’s why I asked my teacher for suggestions about entertaining history books. I think these ones will be great to start with because I don’t know much about American history.

It’s really cold this week! Today it’s snowing and a lot of cars got into trouble. I like snow; however, I’m really looking forward to the spring. It’s going to be nice to be able to take walks in the city without freezing your brains out. It’s also a lot more comfortable to take photographs when it’s warm outside.

Last summer was a little bit to warm though. The subway gets terrible in the summer. It gets to warm down there and if you have to wait more than five minutes for the train you start sweating a lot. They have wonderful air conditioning in the trains though. I have air conditioning in my room too, which is good!

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