Sunday, June 13, 2010

Two Weeks Left

I had a test for my online entrepreneurship class last weekend. The test covered almost all chapters from the book and looking at the review sheet made me nervous. Some of these tests can be very tricky even though they practically are open book.

One of the reasons to why I got nervous was that there was a 50 minute time limit and the test would include 24 questions. Each question has to be answered separately and in order. For example, people cannot skip one question, move on to another one, and then go back again to answer it.

Therefore, if people get stuck on one question, they can have difficulties having the time to answer the other questions. I made sure to review before taking the test even though this included reading a lot of the material from the book.

I felt pretty stressed while taking it and I found it difficult to make sure that I answered each question right or not. This test accounted for 20% of the grade so a doing badly on it could significantly affect people’s grade.

After anxiously pressing the submit button, I found out that I got 22 out of 24, which actually was more than 100% since the professor counted the last four points as extra credit. This helped me to enjoy my weekend even more and I definitely felt relieved afterwards.

I have two finals next week. One is for my forensic science class, which will be pretty easy thanks to open book and notes. However, some questions are actually pretty tricky so reviewing the test is definitely necessary.

My other test is for my bioethics class. It will be more difficult to study for it this time because I did not take any notes since after the midterm because the professor uploaded all PowerPoint slides online instead. I actually wished that I had taken notes because that would make reviewing easier.

I also have to write an executive summary for the final week. It will only consist of about one to two pages but the information will be very rich and contain a lot of important criteria. I will base all the information on discussions and assignments that I have had during the quarter in my entrepreneurship class.

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