The end of the quarter was celebrated with the hottest and most humid weather in New York. It is about 100 degrees today and exceedingly humid. I really do not like it, as it is hard to sleep at night and aggravating to travel in the subway.
On the good side, all my grades were posted today and I scored another 4.0 this semester. It would be delightful if I could maintain this throughout my next quarter, as that will be my last one before graduating in September.
In this year’s graduation ceremony, only four people graduated with a GPA of 4.0. For those people who do not understand the grade point average, a 4.0 means the student got the highest grade in all his or her classes. I knew three of those people and they were all very good friends of mine.
An interesting point about last year’s graduation ceremony was that a person with less than 4.0 received Berkeley College’s greatest award for excellent performance. Apparently, she had volunteered a great deal and worked very hard to do well in school. I am still trying to figure out how I can qualify for this award.
I do feel that I should get a shot at it since I am involved with a lot of work at the moment. My 4.0 friends were questioning the system, as they expected to receive similar awards although a person would have to do something outstanding in order to earn it. I want to congratulate the student for doing well though.
On the good side, all my grades were posted today and I scored another 4.0 this semester. It would be delightful if I could maintain this throughout my next quarter, as that will be my last one before graduating in September.
In this year’s graduation ceremony, only four people graduated with a GPA of 4.0. For those people who do not understand the grade point average, a 4.0 means the student got the highest grade in all his or her classes. I knew three of those people and they were all very good friends of mine.
An interesting point about last year’s graduation ceremony was that a person with less than 4.0 received Berkeley College’s greatest award for excellent performance. Apparently, she had volunteered a great deal and worked very hard to do well in school. I am still trying to figure out how I can qualify for this award.
I do feel that I should get a shot at it since I am involved with a lot of work at the moment. My 4.0 friends were questioning the system, as they expected to receive similar awards although a person would have to do something outstanding in order to earn it. I want to congratulate the student for doing well though.