Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fun weekend!

This Friday, me and a friend from Berkeley College went to see Bull Riding at Madison Square Garden! It was crazy! It’s a lot more fun to be there and see it than watching it on television. You realize that it’s a very dangerous sport.

I’m getting busier and busier in school and I have some quizzes coming up. Because of the quarter system at Berkeley College you really need to focus in class. Everything is very intense and if you don’t concentrate it’s easy to fall behind. I have always been a very disciplined guy so I have no problem with that. A matter a fact I think it’s perfect because it makes it possible for me to complete my education in three years.

I realized today that my teacher in English Composition 2 is a writer. I really look up to him and he is a very interesting guy. You can tell that he likes his job and he’s very excited about history and New York. He told us a few days ago that we should be happy that we go to school next to 5th avenue, and I can very much agree with him on that. I’m also very excited about New York City and all the monuments here. A lot of people say that America doesn’t have a history. I can’t agree with them though. It doesn't of course go as far back as in Europe. What those people don’t understand though is that the history here is very rich and I personally think that the history here is a lot more interesting than in most of Europe. At least if you look in the last 200 years.

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